Kit Keenlyside



Kit Keenlyside is a composer of uplifting music of all kinds, working with both electronic and organic textures to create immersive sonic experiences both grand in scope and intimate in detail. Ambient, electronic, rock or pop; whatever the genre, Kit has always striven to make his compositions transport the listener.



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<div class="audio-player-container">
	<p>Autumn<span class="genre">#electronic</span></p>
	<audio class="player" controls data-plyr-config='{ "controls": ["play", "progress", "current-time", "mute", "volume"]}' preload="none">
		<source src="">

<p id="Music"></p

<div class="audio-player-container">
	<p>Remember When<span class="genre">#lofi</span></p>
	<audio class="player" controls data-plyr-config='{ "controls": ["play", "progress", "current-time", "mute", "volume"]}' preload="none">
		<source src="">

<div class="audio-player-container"><p>Can't Stop Won't Stop<span class="genre">#pop</span></p><audio class="player" controls data-plyr-config='{ "controls": ["play", "progress", "current-time", "mute", "volume"]}' preload="none"><source src=""></audio></div>

<div class="audio-player-container">
	<p>Something Big Is Coming<span class="genre">#rock</span></p>
	<audio class="player" controls data-plyr-config='{ "controls": ["play", "progress", "current-time", "mute", "volume"]}' preload="none">
		<source src="">

<div class="audio-player-container"><p>Feels So Good<span class="genre">#disco</span></p><audio class="player" controls data-plyr-config='{ "controls": ["play", "progress", "current-time", "mute", "volume"]}' preload="none"><source src=""></audio></div>



<p id="Projects"></p
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<p id="About"></p

Kit has been playing music since his earliest years. At age 5 he was already writing rudimentary tunes on the piano (largely sticking to the black keys because they sounded the best). At school, he was assigned the instrument of trombone on account of his ‘long arms’, but soon discovered that wasn’t as rock ‘n’ roll as it first appeared. He moved on to guitar at the dawn of the YouTube tutorial and hasn’t looked back since.

Initially studying to be a graphic designer at the University of Leeds, by his third year Kit had become the guitarist for Gwen and the Good Thing and decided that being a musician seemed more appealing than having a proper job. With GATGT, he would go on to play at such venues as the Borderline, the O2 Academy Islington and Glastonbury Festival.

In the absence of regular gigs during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kit turned his attention to music composition and production, becoming interested in the worlds of sync and production music, and fell in love with the process of music making all over again.

When he isn’t playing, composing or teaching music, he can be found playing video games, goofing off with his family and friends and pining for the fjords.


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